Monday, October 03, 2005


Sorry is a word of ‘convenience’ invented by angrez, which can fit in any conversation and situation. I can say with some amount of confidence that this word is one of the most abused (and also most used) word in the angrezi language.

Can you imagine a day in your life when you have not used this word or rather made a conscious effort for not using this word? I believe you can become a better person if you do not use this word... wat say.

Current Mood: Definitely NOT apologetic

Current Muzik: Tujhse Naraz nahin jindagi ...

Aski "De Shourie" "De Casta"


Osho said...

You are judging the word "sorry" not in right context. Angrez say (and mean) a lot more when they are really sorry but we think sorry is THE word. Angrez smile and greet strangers too...something a new desi in US takes time to get used to. I'm not saying we should start imitating them in everything since we have borrowed the word "sorry" anyway but we should also understand when it should be used and what ir really means. My understanding is "sorry" is one of the "light" words and not the right response if you cause a big inconvenience to someone. You need to convey your regret in more than one word in such situations.

Anonymous said...

maaph khijiye, pls.

Anand said...

I completely agree with u!
Guess each one of us is responsible for the use and 'abuse' of this word! Unfortunately most of us use it without even meaning it!

Ekta said...

hey i agree...the most oft used and abused word!
And thats one of my fav songs!!

Anonymous said...

Why dont you end your blog with a final blog? yeh sorry face tere blog pe acha nahi lagta. kuch tadakta bhadakta peace likho!